kubectl get replica sets. DaemonSets run only a single pod replica on each node, whereas ReplicaSets scatter them around the whole cluster randomly. kubectl get replica sets

DaemonSets run only a single pod replica on each node, whereas ReplicaSets scatter them around the whole cluster randomlykubectl get replica sets  Así, se usa en numerosas ocasiones para garantizar la disponibilidad de un número específico de Pods idénticos

Define container ports with --port. The following imperative command helped me remove all the pods in a ReplicaSet without deleting the ReplicaSet. A ReplicaSet’s purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. How to create it. Kubernetes client (kubectl) sent a request to the API server requesting the creation of a ReplicaSet defined in the replicaset-app. Replica Sets, as the name implies, define how many replicas of each pod will be running. Deployments are essentially a nicer way to perform rolling update server side, but there's a little more to it. Define a command to run using --command. Normal SuccessfulCreate Created pod: frontend-9si5l $ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE frontend-9si5l 1/1 Running 0 1m frontend-dnjpy 1/1 Running 0 1m frontend-qhloh 1/1 Running 0 1m ReplicaSet as an Horizontal Pod Autoscaler target. If every restart would create a new pod, there would not have been. kubectl delete deployment nginx --namespace=kube-system. You can get the keys stored in. $ kubectl run my - nginx -- image = nginx. Autoscaling is also an option with ReplicaSets using kubectl autoscale rs web –max=5. A ReplicaSet's purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilization (or, with custom metrics support, on some other application. Scales down all deployments in a whole namespace: kubectl get deploy -n <namespace> -o name | xargs -I % kubectl scale % --replicas=0 -n <namespace>. Edit the controllers configuration by using kubectl edit rs ReplicaSet_name and change the replicas count up or down as you desire. Run the command kubectl get pods and count the number of pods. kubectl get statefulset Output - all three members are up: NAME READY AGE mongo 3/3 103s Initiating and Viewing the MongoDB replica set. yaml and re-apply it to update the deployment. extensions/nginx scaled sekreta@cloudshell:~ (composite-rune-239911)$ kubectl get deploy NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE nginx 0/0 0 0 6m48s. kubectl get events -w. To run kubectl commands, you would follow this convention: kubectl [command] [TYPE] [NAME] [flags] To use the kubectl logs command, you would pass either a pod name or a type/name. getenv ("MY_REPLICASET")) and have a result like: [frontend-b2zdv,frontend-vcmts,frontend-wtsmm] that is the pod names of all the container's replicas (also the current container of course) and eventually compare the current name in the name list to get my index in the. describe: Prints aggregated detailed information about matching objects. Deployment creates ReplicaSet with the number of replicas=3. $ kubectl create -f . If so, deleting it should also delete the replica set and the pods that you created. Get all Logs from a specific container in a replica set. Comme avec tous les autres objets API Kubernetes, un ReplicaSet a besoin des champs apiVersion, kind et metadata . Can you try kubectl get deploy --field-selector metadata. First, let us know what kubectl is before we get to see the common commands associated with kubectl. When using ReplicaSets, you get to enforce a minimum number of Pods for your application. Hot Network Questions Card game Puzzle Meaning of "the way they used to use up old women, in Russia,. To ensure that, pods must be managed as stateful sets. Now delete a pod, while watching pods: kubectl delete pod rs-quarkus-demo-mlnng. You can insert a key into the primary instance of the MongoDB Replica Set by running the following: MASTER_POD_NAME must be replaced with the name of the master found in the previous step. HPA is a form of autoscaling that increases or decreases the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment, replica set, or stateful set based on CPU utilization—the scaling is horizontal because it affects the number of instances rather than the resources allocated to a single container. When you. We will explain: What RS is. kubectl delete deployment $ {our-deployment-name} And this seems to delete the deployment called our-deployment-name fine. kubectl describe deployment awesome-app-deployment. Install and Set Up kubectl on macOS; Install and Set Up kubectl on Windows; Administer a Cluster. Share. $ kubectl create -f deploy. kubectl get rs. Build your first docker image. 9 the API version apps/v1 on the ReplicaSet kind is the current version and is enabled by default. Their purpose is to keep a set of identical pods running and upgrade them in a controlled way. Scale replica set named ‘ipsum’ to 3: kubectl scale --replicas=3 rs/ipsum. selector section so that new replicaset and deployment can. Example-1: Create replica set using match labels. metadata. kubectl get replicaset. List the available daemon sets: [root@controller ~]# kubectl get ds NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE NODE SELECTOR. (Allows more disruptions at once). Share. After scaling the ReplicaSet, you can verify the changes by examining its status and the associated pods: 1. ReplicaSet immediately creates the pod. While we won’t be providing a tutorial for managing Deployments via kubectl, we will be using. sharma@knoldus. analogy: Head chef instructs the team of line cooks to prepare a certain dish. 79. kubectl delete pod <name of managed instance>-0 -n <namespace of data controller> For example. Kubernetes deployments manage stateless services running on your cluster (as opposed to for example StatefulSets which manage stateful services). Finally, to clean up, we remove the deployment. Administration with kubeadm. For instance, executing kubectl autoscale rs foo --min=2 --max=5 --cpu-percent=80 will create an autoscaler for ReplicaSet foo, with target CPU utilization set to 80% and the number of replicas between 2 and 5. # Get commands with basic output kubectl get services # List all services in the namespace kubectl get pods --all-namespaces # List all pods in all namespaces. Delete a pod. Normal SuccessfulCreate Created pod: frontend-9si5l $ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE frontend-9si5l 1/1 Running 0 1m frontend-dnjpy 1/1 Running 0 1m frontend-qhloh 1/1 Running 0 1m ReplicaSet as an Horizontal Pod Autoscaler target. This subresource is well known for resources like deployments and replica sets in Kubernetes, which obviously can be scaled up and down. The ReplicaSet. try "kubectl delete $ {insert your deployment here}. Restartable Batch Job: Concern: Job needs to complete in case of voluntary disruption. A ReplicaSet is defined with fields, including a selector that specifies how to identify Pods it can acquire, a number of replicas indicating how many Pods it should be maintaining, and a pod template specifying the data of new Pods it should create to meet the number of replicas criteria. cnat. If we execute the commands: kubectl get sts mongodb and kubectl get pods -l app=mongodb , we see the cluster deployed. When using a Deployment, the actual pods are created and managed by the Deployment’s ReplicaSets, not by the Deployment directly. $ kubectl create -f <replicaSet_file_name>. scale down kubernetes deployments to 0 and scale back to original number of replica sets. Scaling the replicaset can be done by using two methods. The easiest way to scale an existing ReplicaSets on a Kubernetes cluster is to use the Kubectl command-line and quickly scale up or down the number of pods. yaml. test. co/v1 kind: Kibana. Get Started. Certificate Management with kubeadm; Configuring a cgroup driver;. 1. To scale down the pods under we can use same scale command but here we have to reduce the number of replicas. Replica Set is the next generation of Replication Controller. yaml pod2. Let’s deploy the Replica Sets from the manifest file by running a kubectl command and then afterwards we’ll run a command to list our pods. revisionHistoryLimit' 2 $ kubectl get rs NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE nginx-696171888 2 2 2 59s $ kubectl set image. If you need to restart all the pods associated with a deployment, you can use the kubectl rollout restart command. Create replica set. kubectl get pods. At the end, we can also check for the pods that are brought up by running the below command. Next, let’s talk about how to: intercept all the traffic to your apps; monitor traffic; and; set up the autoscaler to adjust the number of replicas or turn off. The API version apps/v1beta2 is deprecated. Restart will appear and number will increase incrementally in RESTARTS column of kubectl get pods -n <namespace> command output. kubectl create -f my-replica. spec. This output shows that the ReplicaSet frontend along with the number of replicas currently running. Kubernetes provides several built-in workload resources: Deployment and ReplicaSet (replacing the legacy resource ReplicationController). Copy. These correspond to the three nodes in your MongoDB replica set. To update a Kubernetes deployment we can simply update its config file using 2. kubectl scale --replicas=10 -f rs-creation. kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE web-0 1/1 Running 0 1m web-1 1/1 Running 0 46s web-2 1/1 Running 0 18s. 0. Deployments . kubectl get pvc NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE redis-data-pvc Bound pvc-6163d1f8-fb3d-44ac-a91f-edef1452b3b9 10Gi RWO standard 132m. Ordinals can start from arbitrary non-negative numbers. Then use NodeSelector in the deployment/pod. List all services and get the nodePort which can be used locally, e. kubectl create -f my-replica-set. user@pc:/# kubectl delete pod sql1-0 -n arc pod "sql1. Get the replica sets list. Deploy a sample application and connect the kubectl command-line tool (CLI) to the Kubernetes cluster. Deleting a DaemonSet is a simple task. Replica Set is a next generation of replication controller. kubectl get pods kubectl delete pods vote-xxxx vote-yyyy Observe as the pods are automatically created again. vi <my-replica-set>. $ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE myapp-replicas-67rkp 1/1 Running 0 33s myapp-replicas-6kfd8 1/1 Running 0 33s myapp-replicas-s96sg. And, an example of that YAML file might look like the following: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: ReplicaSet metadata: name: chef-server labels: app: chef-server tier: chef-server spec: replicas: 3 # We'll get three identical pods selector: matchLabels: tier: chef-server template : metadata:. yml kubectl get pods Code language: CSS (css) As you can see from my screenshot, we now have two pods running as we were expecting. +1 to what blixt said. Since we have just create this. $ kubectl get pod -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES sample-pod3-rzmhb 2/2 Running 0 38s 192. This is because Replica Sets are meant to be used as the backend for Deployments. Dans Kubernetes 1. e filtering according to set of values. extensions "my-first-replicaset" deletedreal 0m2. January 9, 2019. metadata. DaemonSets run only a single pod replica on each node, whereas ReplicaSets scatter them around the whole cluster randomly. . spec. If you try to scale the replica set, then it will (for a very short time) have a new count of 5. Log in to CEE CLI and confirm that no active alerts and system status must be at 100%. kubectl get pods Node. Kubernetes Replication Controller vs Deployment You need to use -c flag to specify the Container name. A pod doesn't "run" a replica set, and there is no such thing as a "primary set". You’ll get that service/service23 created. Get Pods. Here we go. You can get the stats on deployments using kubectl get deployments, kubectl describe deployments, and. 1. First, you deployed 3 replicas. items [*]. To begin with, create an Express app first. 1. kubectl get pods -n <namespace of data controller> Delete the managed instance pod. Imperative way: (this will then diverge from what you have in your yaml-file) kubectl scale deployment mage-di --replicas=2. Use kubectl directly. This procedure allows you to set different settings for the replica set resource, such as overrides for statefulSet configuration. Deployment with name backend is created indicated by metadata. It creates a selector that matches to matchLabels. Deploy Commands: rollout Manage the rollout of a resource scale Set a new size for a deployment, replica set, or. The default Storage Class is standard. $ kubectl exec —namespace default MASTER_POD_NAME — mongo —eval=“printjson(db. After it's paused you can make necessary changes to your configuration and then resume it by using kubectl rollout resume. This will make the old replica set get drained before the new one is started. [root@controller ~]# kubectl get statefulsets NAME READY AGE nginx-statefulset 0/3 36s. kubectl taint nodes nodename dedicated=groupName:NoSchedule. This will open the ReplicationController’s YAML definition in your default text editor: bash. When the request comes to the Service via the NodePort, it gets routed to one of the Pods in the Replica Set. kubectl logs -l=app= {app-name} -c= {container-name} -n= {namespace} As you can see the options with the kubectl logs -h command. kubectl logs -l app=myapp -c myapp --tail 100kubectl get pods <pod-name> -o yaml kubectl get pods my-helloworld-rs-c8rrj -o yaml Step-03: Expose ReplicaSet as a Service ; Expose ReplicaSet with a service (NodePort Service) to access the application externally (from internet) 3 Answers. A ReplicaSet is defined with fields, including a selector that specifies how to identify Pods it can acquire, a number of replicas indicating how many Pods it should be maintaining, and a pod template specifying the data of new Pods it should create to meet the number of replicas criteria. We will explain: What RS is. Replica Sets. 在本文中我们将了解如何使用此工具以及最佳使用实践。. Scaling your Deployment down to 0 will remove all your existing Pods. edit the image name in the editor. To get the namespaces, you can run kubectl get namespaces or kubectl get ns (see the cheat sheet for the full list): $ kubectl get ns NAME STATUS AGE charts Active 8d default Active 9d kube-node-lease Active 9d kube-public Active 9d kube-system Active 9d. Verwaltung mit kubeadm. This is something you have to bear in mind. El objeto de un ReplicaSet es el de mantener un conjunto estable de réplicas de Pods ejecutándose en todo momento. spec. Check the track of deployment and even we can use this for. 这是增加部署副本数量的最快、最简. # Replace "hello-4111706356" with the job name in your system pods = $(kubectl get pods --selector = job-name = hello-4111706356 --output = jsonpath ={. 1-57c75779f-8sm9r 2/2 Running 0 16h. 12. replicas | contains(0)) | "kubectl delete rs --namespace=(. Also, the rolling-update command is imperative whereas Deployments are declarative, so we. /deployment. logs: Prints the stdout and stderr for a container running in a Pod. To start, run this little command: kubectl get rs --all-namespaces | wc -l. shell. 9 the API version apps/v1 on the ReplicaSet kind is the current version and is enabled by default. A ReplicaSet is used to ensure that a specific number of replicas (copies) of a pod are running at any given time, while a Deployment manages updates to a ReplicaSet by creating a new ReplicaSet with the updated pod template and gradually scaling it up while scaling down the old ReplicaSet. The pods must have labels that match the specified labels here. I would like to get all ReplicaSets that have any problems using kubectl only without external monitoring systems. Say we have d. In Kubernetes 1. kubectl get replicaset. 31 (a downgrade but still an update from K8s point of view), the ReplicaSet is not completely replaced. How a ReplicaSet works? ReplicaSet is a next generation of replicationcontroller both replicaset and replicationcontroller ensure that pods that are. insert({key1: ‘value1’}))” 3. Automatically create an associated service with --expose. mourya ~ % kubectl get statefulset NAME READY AGE web 0/0 33s deepak. selector: This specifies a label selector to identify the pods managed by this ReplicaSet. Find the object that "old" rs is controlled by: kubectl describe <rs-name>. Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods, and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods. Kubectl. The replication controller only supports equality-based selector whereas the replica set supports set-based selector i. There can be multiple reasons – node maintenance, migration to another rack, datacenter, or newer hardware. Declarative config management. This should create the node api deployment. The selector and matchingLabels is used by the replicaset to monitor other pods as well who have the matching labels. 14: kubectl edit pvc <name> for each PVC in the StatefulSet, to increase its capacity. The Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of Pods in a deployment, replication controller, or replica set based on that resource's CPU utilization. yaml’, and we will be submitting this file to the Kubernetes cluster. A ReplicaSet is a Kubernetes resource used to maintain a specified number of identical pod replicas within a cluster. Maka dari itu, ReplicaSet seringkali digunakan untuk menjamin ketersediaan dari beberapa Pod identik dalam jumlah tertentu. Usually, you define a Deployment and let that Deployment manage ReplicaSets automatically. A ReplicaSet’s purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. ReplicaSets compared to Deployments. kubectl scale 是帮助我们管理 Kubernetes 部署的众多工具之一。. Use kubectl get to list all Deployments, Replica Sets and Pods in your default namespace:kubectl get secret mongodb -o jsonpath= "{. Modified 5 years, 3 months ago. yaml. 1 2022. // demonstrate to change the number of Pod replicas. 12. A ReplicaSet. This is managed by a ReplicaSet. In this case, it's set to 3. However we also want to delete the replicasets and pods that below to 'our-deployment-name'. $ kubectl apply -f busy-job-completion. As with all other Kubernetes config, a DaemonSet needs apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields. By manually modifying the replica set that was created for you, you are fighting with the system controller. Key DifferencesI have written a bash script to get all deployments on a kubernetes cluster. Replica Sets Deployments Other Kinds of Resource Conclusion Kubernetes is not known for being approachable. Only when I cleaned up all replica sets with kubectl delete $(kubectl -o name get rs), new replica set was created, and then everything worked again. In addition, there is a special kubectl autoscale command for creating a HorizontalPodAutoscaler object. Improve this answer. Some downtime of the service is expected even if the replicas>1. kubectl get pods frontend-b2zdv -o yaml. The above command will generate the. mongodb-1 – Read-only replica. template are scaled down. Administration with kubeadm. When to use - DaemonSet and/or ReplicaSet?. If you run kubectl get pods <pod_name> -o yaml where <pod_name> is a pod created by ReplicaSet, you will see owner reference. The following kubectl command sets the spec with progressDeadlineSeconds to make the controller report lack of progress of a rollout for a Deployment after 10 minutes: kubectl patch deployment/nginx-deployment -p ' {"spec": {"progressDeadlineSeconds":600}}'. 91 k8s-worker01 <none> <none> sample-pod3-tjsdm 2/2 Running 0 38s 192. Discussion. Add a comment. Also the command won't show the situation when DESIRED = 2 but RUNNING = 1. apps "nginx" configured $ kubectl get rs NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE nginx 10 10 10 14m $ kubectl get po. kubectl create -f my-replica-set. To master Kubernetes, you need to understand how. Improve this answer. They behave in a similar way, but they have more expressive pod selectors. spec. If you want the rolling update functionality please consider using Deployments instead. The. kubectl get pods. Kubernetes Replication Controller vs DeploymentYou need to use -c flag to specify the Container name. 2) using this chart: bitnami/mongodb 13. Information will be in Events: section. Now , you will need to either delete the replica sets or delete the existing pods: kubectl delete rs new-replica-set kubectl delete pod pod_1 pod_2 pod_2 pod_4. In case, these pods go down then this replicaset can use it’s template to replace these pods. The replica set are also known as next generation replication. La version de l'API apps/v1beta2 est obsolète. About; Products. Apply the YAML with kubectl. (Remember, a controller in Kubernetes is what takes care of tasks to make sure the desired state of the cluster matches the observed state. $ kubectl get hpa -w. info 2019-04-01T14:03:33Z. By default, Kubernetes keep 10 replica sets for each deployment, which means you can go back 9 versions prior. Reading the documents it is not clear if the default behaviour should. 2. 220 k8s-worker02 <none> <none> sample-pod3-zmjkj 2/2 Running 0 38s. When we cleaned out all the old ReplicaSets, our. 81 9. kubectl get pods --all-namespaces. Deployment is a good fit for managing a stateless application workload on your cluster, where any Pod in the Deployment is interchangeable and can. Anything else we need to know?: I realize that in my example, the HPA is unable to read the resource metric and that may be a contributing factor in the calculation of the desired replica count. Así, se usa en numerosas ocasiones para garantizar la disponibilidad de un número específico de Pods idénticos. Make sure that the kubectl client version is skewed no more than one version from the Kubernetes master version running on your Azure Stack Edge Pro device. Copy. On your second terminal, type this to apply the K8s manifest we just worked on: kubectl apply -f mongo. 9, la version de l'API apps/v1 pour le type ReplicaSet est la version actuelle et activée par défaut. Then we’ll deploy the manifest file to get our service and endpoint built. test. Mounts: <none> Volumes: <none> Conditions: Type Status Reason ---- ----- ----- Progressing True NewReplicaSetAvailable Available False MinimumReplicasUnavailable ReplicaFailure True FailedCreate OldReplicaSets: <none> NewReplicaSet: integrated-repository-webapp-d69879c5f (0/1 replicas created) Events: Type Reason Age From. If there is a very large number of Pods, though. it will reset it back to 3. Display information about the ReplicaSet in the current namespace $ kubectl get replicaset. $ kubectl describe hpa <yourHpaName>. This can help your applications scale out to meet increased demand or scale in when resources are not needed, thus freeing up your nodes for other applications. In order to remove the ReplicaSet from the Kubernetes system, you can rely on the subcommand delete. In case if you are working in a specific kubernetes namespace then I would recommend using the -n flag. kubectl get pods <pod-name> -o yaml kubectl get pods my-helloworld-rs-c8rrj -o yaml Step-03: Expose ReplicaSet as a Service ; Expose ReplicaSet with a service (Load Balancer Service) to access the application externally (from internet) Sep 16, 2022 at 21:35. Deleting a ReplicaSet. . This is because pods are a namespaced resource, and no namespace was provided in the command. We can use the cascade=false flag in the kubectl delete command to only delete the DaemonSet without deleting the pods. $ kubectl get pods -n scaling-demo NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nginx-59c556767c-ncl9k 1/1 Running 0 16m nginx-59c556767c-vn96s 1/1 Running 0 11s nginx-59c556767c-xx5bb 1/1 Running 0 13m redis-78497c75bd. yaml file. Changes to label selectors make existing pods fall out of ReplicaSet's scope, so if you change labels and label selector the pods are no longer "controlled" by ReplicaSet. 1. replicas==0)]. Accessible as localhost:15672. Output:. Conditions: Type Status Reason ---- ----- ----- ReplicaFailure True FailedCreate Events: <none>You can use the kubectl expose command to create a NodePort Service for a ReplicaSet. 2. Before beginning this tutorial, you need to: Log into an IBM Cloud account. It will show. Wherever applicable, kubectl get all returns a list of pods, services, daemon sets, deployments, replica sets, jobs, cronjobs, and stateful sets. The kubectl run command can take a number of arguments to configure additional parameters of the deployments. We can exec into any of the nodes in the replicaset and check the status. Once the Mongodb replicaSet is up, cd into the user-service and execute kubectl create -f . yaml Check the status of the autoscaler using the kubectl get hpa command. 4. Existing Replica Set controlling Pods whose labels match . phase field is. Kickstart Your Career. Get the replica sets list. Here I've set update type to "Recreate". # Run kubectl to connect inside the container kubectl run curl --image = dareyregistry/curl -i--tty # Type curl and your container's ip curl -v 10. Get details of a replica set: kubectl describe replicaset webapp. kubectl scale command is used to change the number of running replicas inside Kubernetes deployment, , replication controller, and stateful set objects. Using kubectl, we can apply this definition like: kubectl apply -f orphan. Note: if you run the. The selector and matchingLabels is used by the replicaset to monitor other pods as well who have the matching labels. Use the kubectl get replicaset command to view the updated replica count: kubectl get rs frontend. kubectl get deployments --all-namespace. 1 Answer. kubectl apply -f dp. conf} {" "}' |grep mode. The MongoDB shell welcome message appears. kubectl scale deployment. 3. kubectl replace -f replica. Run the same version of kubectl scale, but this time, specify --replicas=2 to scale up the replicas. Delete a specified ReplicaSet TL;DR: You need to scale your deployment instead of the replica set directly. kubectl get pods. Imperative config management with commands. Changing revisionHistoryLimit is not enough to unstick the deployment. $ kubectl get pods -l app=my-app NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-rs-5c5f5d5c5c-2vjhx 1/1 Running 0 10s my-rs-5c5f5d5c5c-jv2x2 1/1 Running 0 10s my-rs-5c5f5d5c5c-sz7qx 1/1 Running 0 10s Note: This is just a basic example, in a real-world scenario, you may want to add additional specifications like resource limits, environment variables. To scale up set --replicas=1 (or any other required number) accordingly. spec. kubectl get deployments NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE ngnix-deployment 0/3 3 0 12m kubectl. This should create the replica sets for MongoDb. By using the command kubectl delete rs <rs name>, where rs name is the name of your ReplicaSet, you can destroy ReplicaSets. yaml 392. kubectl delete rs {NAME_REPLICA_SET} kubernetes. yml kubectl get pods Code language: CSS (css) As you can see from my screenshot, we now have two pods running as we were expecting. ReplicaSet 的名称必须是一个合法的 DNS. Replica sets ensure that the desired (minimum) number of replicas of a stateless pod for a given application are running. Replica Sets . kubectl delete rs nginx-rs 2. StatefulSets are designed to run stateful applications in Kubernetes with dedicated persistent storage. Prerequisites. After executing the kubectl scale command to set the replicas to zero, running kubectl get pods will show that there are no Pods running in the default namespace since all the Pods were terminated. When we fire delete to remove the resource, it removes the target objects forcefully: $ time kubectl delete rs my-first-replicaset && kubectl get podreplicaset. name }') This should be more stable because it processes the replica count directly instead of trying to parse the output of kubectl which might. But when I edit this deployment using the command kubectl edit deployment my-dep2, only changing the version of busybox image to 1. 2. This replica will further create a pod with name web-app-<replica-set->-<pod-id>. It demonstrates how to create, delete, scale, and update the Pods of StatefulSets. 6. 3. $ kubectl api-versions. I have enabled external access with SVC type LoadBalancer. List the available StatefulSets. clusterIP}} Check the nginx welcome page is there via a browser or downloading it with curl:Then the docker. 2. answered Apr 1, 2016 at 5:16.